Monday, November 4, 2013

BE The Change

Now and then Bro Shawn will do a sermon 'series' at church and we're into another one right now.  I didn't catch the name of this series, but it's dealing with the fact that we are all here for a purpose and to be an asset or help to others, we have to be our best ourselves.

He says that even within our churches, we have a purpose and I was sitting there wondering just what my purpose IS at Weaver Creek. 

For years with Bro Tony...I was his right arm so to speak.  I often joked with him that he was the preacher and I was the pastor.  Because he was in poor health and mainly did the preaching and I did tons of his 'leg work'.

But when Bro Shawn came, he was young and so full of energy and he just has a knack for motivating and organizing and training...we have been so blessed with Bro Shawn.

Bro Shawn was talking a lot about unity and fellowship within the church yesterday and I was just sitting there thinking...'you know...unity and good fellowship' is what we need world wide...and not just in our churches .. but every where.

Who was it that said "If the world is to be brought to order...then my nation must first be changed.  If my nation is to be changed...then my hometown must be made over.  If my hometown is to be made over...then my family must first be set

right.  If my family is to be set right...then I myself must first be......."   So it all starts....with US!   With me and with you!  

We can't change the world...but we can change ourselves and by doing that hopefully others will see our change and want to be more like us and it will have the domino effect, so to speak.

Did you see the movie "Pay It Forward" and the teacher gave his class the challenge to come up with a solution for 'making the world a better place'.  And when they came in with their projects said more Dairy Queens...and others said this and that, typical of a 10 year old or whatever....
But then one little boy went up to the chalk board and he drew one stick person...and he said "This is me"  And he drew 3 stick people under him...and he said "I'm going to help 3 people"...and under each of those 3 stick people...he drew 3 more stick people...and he said "And each of those 3 are going to help 3 more...."  and he went on and on and he said "And by everybody paying good deeds forward, 3 at a will soon go around the world and change the world into a better place"...

Geezer and I were watching the movie that night and when the little boy was done...I just said "WOW!!!  THAT would WORK!!!"   Geezer said "It WOULD...but it will never happen...because everybody wants everybody ELSE to do something for them FIRST...."  And that's really...kinda true...sorry to say.

Bro Tony would often laugh at me when I'd go to him with a family I needed help with.  And he was laughing one day because he had just helped me with one big 'needy' project and here I was again....and he said "MY're just almost obsessed with helping people....aren't you?"  I said "Wish I wasn't....but Yup"  But Bro Tony was always ready to help too...he had a heart of gold.

There's a person I've been hearing about on the scanner.  And every single day...this person will call the ambulance to themselves...usually starting about sundown or a little later...and often,  twice a day.
Different symptoms every single day...and if they call twice a day...the symptoms both of those times are different.  Sometimes a headache, sprained ankle, trouble breathing, they think they're having a heart attack.  It's just something different every single day. 
Now this isn't an old lady or old man...with Alzheimer's...this is a middle aged person.  And I have just worried myself sick about this person...because I'm afraid they're either depressed or lonely and have no one to turn to...and having panic attacks every day and just calling 911 because they don't know anything else to DO.
SOOO the other day when we came from the doctor...I had geezer take me by the address the ambulance goes to and I couldn't really get a clue about the person from the house.  So I said to geezer "I need to talk to Bro Shawn about this person and see if we can check them out and if they're just lonely...maybe we can get them involved in church and help them in some way"
Geezer said "WHY do you have to stick your nose in the business of everybody that has a frown on their face?  You're going to get your preacher shot one of these days...sending him to one of these dilapidated houses"   :-0   Weeeeeeeeeelll I'd go WITH him...I'm just a little leery on this one...of going alone....Of course, if the visit went bad...I couldn't get away very fast...  :-/  But I'll be checking this out one way or the other soon...because I hear it every single day and it is heart think why a person would feel they had to DO this every day....

One of my biggest pet peeves is when you see someone post on facebook that they need prayer for the family because someone has passed away or this or that....and 47 people will post under their post and say "Oh so sorry...If I can do anything please let me know"  Well BREAKING NEWS!!!  IF they have had a death in the family....they shouldn't have to call you to come help should just go knock on their door with food in hand and say "I'm here to help....what can I you need cleaning done, kids taken care of...laundry going?"  

There's another saying I love "I want to do all the good I can...for all the people I all the ways I can...for as long as I can"   Isn't that a neat thought? 

Peace and love from the canyon...I love you all gobs and gobs and thanks so much...for stopping by

There's much more to see, read and explore if you have time... LoveFavorite Home RemediesHealthRecipes from the Kitchen in the CanyonGardening and Such

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