Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Miracle In A Bowl: Soup Diets - Fat Flush Soup VS Cabbage Soup Diet

We haven't talked about weight loss in quite a

while so I thought we'd do that today.  EVERYBODY has heard about the Cabbage Soup Diet, but have you heard about the Fat Flush Diet?  Wouldn't THAT be great if we could eat some magic soup and just flush the fat right out of our bodies?   The grand thing about these 2 soup diets is that either one will absolutely...help you lose 7 to 10 pounds in just one week! 

But they do that not because there is anything magical about the soups...but because both soups are loaded with low carb, low fat, low calorie ingredients and during the week you're eating one of these soups to lose that 5 to 10 pounds...and closer to 10 would be what you would lose....But that's BECAUSE...you'll be leaving off your sugar, dairy, high carb foods, fat, salt.  No quart of milk for breakfast like "I" like to have...and no cokes with lunch or supper...no bread with anything including none with the soup. 
And leaving off sugar and dairy and high carbs, fat, salt...cause you to immediately lose that fluid retention that most of us have....So the face gets a little thinner and the tummy goes down just a tad...and we think ..."OH WOW...MIRACLE OF MIRACLES"  But nooooooooo...that was just fluid...and you're going to have to get rid of about 8 to 10 pounds of fluid...before you get into your blubber storage....so that's why...these diets seems so miraculous...because they make you lose fluid fast...which is easy...when you're leaving off these few food categories...

Both soups are absolutely....to die for delicious!  I've done the cabbage soup many times...but I have no will power so I've never lasted over a day or two.  But the soups are both VERY filling and packed with nutrition...and just absolutely good for you. 
I guess I'll use one of these to lose my 8 pounds that I've gained back and maybe try to lose a little more...because my tastes have changed since the injury/surgery and I'm no longer addicted to coca cola's and chocolate...at least for now.

And while I'm thinking about it.  I had posted a couple days ago that I was so surprised that I lost 26 pounds during the 3 months I've been down with this broken leg.....and I didn't realize I had a typo until someone emailed to compliment me on such a dramatic weight loss.  I ACTUALLY lost 24 pounds....that's not much difference...but I'm paranoid about being truthful...and didn't want to mis lead anyone.  AND I've gained 8lbs back...but going to try to get that back off..plus another 5 or so. 
I lost MY weight...because of some weird reaction to the anesthesia...that caused weeks of nausea and dizziness...or that's what they tell me...and I just couldn't eat more than a couple bites of anything...without just getting really sick.  SO I was no weight loss hero...my weight loss happened by accident BECAUSE of the accident.

The thing about each one of these soups is that either one....absolutely....will make you drop at least a pound or two over night and 8 - 10lbs in a week...if you go by either of these soup diets.  And they're both very simple programs...A light but high protein breakfast...like boiled eggs or veggie omelet...soup for lunch and supper and healthy/light snacks mid morning and afternoon and evening.  You could even have a little soup for any of those snacks.

I love these soups because they're both loaded with tomatoes and tomato juice.  I heard Dr Oz say once a couple years ago.. that one of the healthiest things you can do for your body is to have at least 2 tbsps. of some kind of tomato product every single day.  And he said it can be canned juice or canned tomatoes and he said that tomatoes are one of the very few veggies...that's still very healthy after it's cooked...so we have tomatoes in some form...almost every single day.  He's also talked about the extreme health benefits of onions and we have onions in some form...almost every single day...

And real quick...let's talk about belly fat for just a minute.  Belly fat is more common in men than in women.  But regardless of who it's on...it's not healthy and it looks yuck!  Belly fat makes you prone to many cancers (colon and stomach cancer especially) and high blood pressure, diabetes, early dementia and for goodness sakes alive....HEART DISEASE. 
People with pot bellies are more prone to die of a 1st sudden heart attack...than a person that is just fat all over.  And I've got an old geezer that's just a little too plump in the tummy...and talking to him is like talking to a brick wall....
IF you are a man and your waist is over 40 inches....or a woman with a waist over 35 inches...you are a walking time bomb!  And listen people....I'm not talking about measuring where you let your waist on your pants button...I'm talking about the big hump ABOVE where your pants button...so if you're wearing a 40 inch waist UNDER that tum tum....you're probably about a 56 AROUND YOUR WAIST.....
HOWEVER....these soup diets conquer belly fat in record time.....SO give one of them a try...OR get the ingredients in your kitchen and use them both....the main thing is that you leave off the sugar, dairy, high carbs and soda's etc....and go for low fat...low carb...low dairy...healthy snacks with your soups....

2 tsp.Olive Oil
1 1/4 lbs. of lean ground turkey (or chicken)
1 medium onion (chopped)
1 bell pepper (seeded and chopped)
4 cloves of garlic (chopped)
1 jalapeno (chopped)
1 (14oz) can of crushes tomatoes
1 (32oz) bottle of reduced sodium spicy tomato juice
1 Tbs. fresh lemon juice
1 (14 oz) can rinsed and drained black beans (navy or pinto can also be used)
1 Tbs. ground cumin
1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper (or to taste)
1/2 cup fresh cilantro (chopped)

1.  Heat olive oil and brown ground turkey/poultry.  Drain and set aside.
2.  Saute onion, garlic and peppers until soft (about 5 minutes).
3.  Stir in all remaining ingredients (except cilantro) and cover and simmer for 20 minutes.  
4.  Stir in cilantro and cover and simmer for 10 minutes longer.  

Makes 12-14 cups.


Now here's one of the original cabbage soup diets...I say 'one of''...because it has been revised out the wazoo over the years....
Original Cabbage Soup Recipe
·  Half a head of cabbage
·  6 large green onions
·   2 green peppers
·  3 carrots
·  1 container of mushrooms
·  1 bunch of celery
·  1 or 2 cans of tomatoes
·  1 package of Lipton Onion soup mix
·  1 48oz can of V8 juice (optional)
·  1 or 2 cubes of bouillon (optional)
·   Season with salt, pepper, curry, garlic powder, parsley, or any seasoning that is preferred

I hope you find this helpful and I always love to hear your feedback ... in the comments below or on the Love, Home and Health Facebook Page ... 

Until Next Time ... You Are Loved ... 
The Katydid

There's much more to see, read and explore if you have time... Recipes from the Kitchen in the Canyon, Favorite Home RemediesHealth and more!
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1 comment:

  1. Good job! I have found many articles to read but you do a good thing. That is a boy. Thank you so much for sharing the delicious post. Expect your next article.

